Memento was this, Memento was that, then he evolved into swampert and learnt muddy water, the end. (basic info here)
Gorrigan The Grimdark Paladin


Basic Attack:
Image Weighted Smash – 4m range – 0.6s cooldown
Smashes a single target for 7-11 physical damage. If Memento attacks 5 times in succession, the final hit will instead deal 14-22 physical damage.

Animation: Left punch, right punch, tail swipe, headbutt, two footed kick.

Unique Ability:
Image Tail Vault – 20m range – 15s cooldown – Instant
Bounds into the air with his tail to body slam a target from great height, all enemies within 4m take 22-37 physical damage and a single target is buried into the ground for 3 seconds. If within 4m of the initial target, Memento will immobilise them and lift them into the air as he jumps.

Animation: Upwards leap, with emphasis on the tail movement, followed by a body slam and the single enemy sinking into the ground when buried.

Variant Abilities:
Image Roll Out – 40m range – 12s cooldown – Instant
Curls into a ball and rolls to the target point, dealing 28-43 physical damage to any enemies in the way.

Animation: Curls into a ball and rolls towards the target.

Image Earthen Displacement – 30m range – 14s cooldown – Instant
Smashes the earth beneath him, causing the ground elsewhere to spout upwards, knocking up and dealing 35-55 physical damage to single target.

Animation: Leans backwards on hind legs, before slamming down fists into the ground, lowering it in the process, while making the ground at the target point higher.

Image Lifting Grasp – 6m range – 20s cooldown – Channeled
Lifts enemies within a 6m radius for 2 seconds, before slamming them back into the ground dealing 28-38 physical damage to each enemy.

Animation: Andromeda lift, all around Memento, Memento himself floats with complete confidence, before slamming back down with his fist into the ground as he lands.

Image Quantum Push – 6m range – 12s cooldown – Instant
Pushes a targeted ally into a faster timestream, increasing their attack and movement speed by 15% for 6 seconds.

Animation: Haste effect.

Squad Ability:
Image Anabasis Pulse – 20s cooldown – Instant
Spawns a time pulse at Memento’s current location each second for 3 seconds, which grow up to 14m in diameter and stop all enemies and projectiles within them from moving, but not attacking; each pulse lasts 3 seconds in total.

Animation: Growing circles that make everything beneath them greyscale.

Passive Ability:
Image Hindering Emanation
Enemies within 10m of Memento will suffer slower attack speed and movement speed, reaching 25% when standing next to Memento.

Animation: Desaturated blue pattern around the feet of affected
enemies, becomes more prominent the closer to Memento.


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